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The process of grieving, whether from the loss of someone we love or other traumas, is a devastating one and those of us who are going through this process need all of the support and space holding that we can surround ourselves with.
Journey with Grief Reading
The process of grieving, whether from the loss of someone we love or other traumas, is a devastating one and those of us who are going through this process need all of the support and space holding that we can surround ourselves with. I found a great deal of comfort and help using the cards as part of my process of grieving. During this experience I have come across a great many things that did not mesh up with my experience of grieving but I also stumbled on some things that profoundly impacted my outlook. One of those was a quote by Judith Bernstein from her book When the Bough Breaks:
"Along with ‘overcome,’ the word ‘recovery’ is often seen in association with grief. The premise of the current study is that grief, or any major trauma for that matter, is never overcome nor does recovery take place. The course of healing involves integrating that trauma, not overcoming it. There is a significant difference."
This understanding that there was no recovery from something so devastating as the loss of someone you love or a significant trauma was profound, there is no getting back to being who you were before that loss/trauma. The goal then, becomes that of the processes of mourning, integration, and adaptation so that we learn to incorporate the loss into this new self that we become as we figure out how to live in our life now and going forward. This reading is meant to explore this process of integration and give you areas to think about as you move along your path.